About Us

In general

The Croatian Energy Society (abbreviated as HED) is a professional association that gathers experts and scientists from the field of energy on a voluntary basis. HED has been a member of the World Energy Council since September 1992, with all membership rights and obligations. HED is a non-governmental and non-profit association and cannot be associated with state, private or party organizations in Croatia. The basis of HED's association is class action with societies and associations in the country and abroad that have similar goals.

HED Activities

  • bringing together the scientific and professional potential of the energy profession
  • providing expert assistance in the development and setting of energy policy and the promotion of energy culture in Croatia
  • international cooperation in the field of energy and related environmental protection
  • providing material and professional support to young energy workers
  • support for publishing activities in the field of energy (publishing magazines, professional publications, analyzes etc.)
  • organizing expert meetings, consultations and seminars in the field of energy
  • preparation of expertise and organization of exchange of experts, expert visits, and provision of support in education and scholarship for energy students
  • providing support in drafting proposals for regulations, rules, recommendations, guidelines, instructions and standards
  • awarding of the annual "Hrvoje Požar" awards to scientific and professional employees and students of the energy field
  • annual organization of the event called "Forum - Energy Day in Croatia"
  • expert consulting in the field of energy.


Ivan Andročec, Ph.D.

General secretary
Dražen Balić, Ph.D.

Administrative secretary
Iva Sundji Babić, MEcon

Board members
Mladen Zeljko, Ph.D.
Vedran Špehar
Damir Vrbić
Željko Tukša
Boris Miljavac
Davor Đurđević
Vice Oršulić
Hrvoje Glavaš
Ivica Toljan, Ph.D.
Dražen Jakšić
Anton Marušić
Prof. Marko Delimar, Ph.D.

Članovi nadzornog odbora
Julije Domac, Ph.D.
Vladimir Jelavić, Ph.D.
Goran Slipac, Ph.D.

Članovi časnog suda
Vladimir Mikuličić, Ph.D.
Branka Jelavić, Ph.D.
Darinko Bago

HED Statute


How to become a member

All natural and legal persons who wish to become members of HED are invited to submit a completed Membership application form to email hed@hed.hrwhich begins the formal membership process.

Membership application form

Application form for legal entities


Membership Fee

Every natural person is obliged to pay the annual membership fee in the amount of €10 (€5 for pensioners and students). If a natural person is an employee of a HED member company, a 50% discount is applied to the amount of the annual membership fee for a natural person.

Payment information: IBAN HR6223400091100048759
Payment description: OIB of the payer


Zagreb, March 22 2024


A session of the Regular / Electoral Assembly of the HED is being convened, which, in accordance with the provisions of Article 20, Paragraph 1 of the Statute, will be held electronically on April 18 2024, starting at 10:00 a.m., with the following agenda:

  1. Opening of the Assembly and determining the number of present and represented members
  2. Election of the recorder, two certifiers of the minutes of the Assembly, the working presidency and the President of the Assembly
  3. Decision on the election of the President of HED
  4. Decision on the election of members of the Board of Directors
  5. Decision on the election of members of the Supervisory Board
  6. Decision on the selection of members of the Honorable Court
  7. Presentation and adoption of the Annual Financial Report for 2023
  8. Presentation and adoption of the Work Report for 2023
  9. Presentation of the Work Plan and Financial Plan for 2024
Income and expenses 2023 Work plan 2024 Financial plan 2024 Clarification of the financial plan
32nd Forum
32nd Forum - Energy Day in Croatia Held
Zagreb, December 4 2023
World Energy Congress
Rotterdam, April 22-25 2024


The World Energy Council is the main and most prominent network of the global energy community and the first permanent, non-profit energy organization. It was founded in 1923 as an impartial and independent community of energy interest groups, convening and facilitating leadership dialogue, promoting cross-border cooperation and the exchange of new ideas. The main goal of the World Energy Council is to support diverse energy societies to progress together through energy transition and transformation. It is actively involved in responding to climate emergencies while simultaneously meeting the sustainable energy needs of a growing world population. With more than 3,000 member organizations and a presence in more than 90 countries, the World Energy Council covers the local depth and global breadth essential to support energy leaders and experts, policymakers and wider stakeholders to better understand and manage the associated challenges and address complex systems change.

World Energy Council
